Monday, October 17, 2011

How to Fix Outlook prompting error "The command is not available" when launching Out Of Office Tool

Category              : Outlook 2007
Operating System: Vista & Win7

This problem can be easily fixed by renaming a key in the registry. But the question is which key..hahax!

Just follow the steps below


1. Quit Outlook completely
      -Right-click on Taskbar and then click Task Manager.
      -Click the Processes tab, and then verify that Outlook.exe does not appear in the
        list of processes.

2. Open Admin Command Prompt a.k.a CMD
      (this has been covered in my previous post click here to view the post)

3. Type Regedit in Command Prompt and hit Enter

4. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Outlook\Resiliency 

5. Rename Resiliency to Resiliency. old and press F5 to save.

6. Quit Regedit and relaunch outlook. The error is fixed now!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

How to Fix Outlook 2007 index Search in Vista

Category              : Outlook 2007
Operating System  : Vista

Are you facing difficulties to search or partially search in your outlook, which gives you result no matches foundPerhaps you might notice a yellow message underneath the search bar like this!

And when you click on the yellow message, you will be prompted something like 

Well this is because the Indexing file on your machine/computer for outlook is corrupted. And the best way to resolve this issue is by just rebuilt the outlook indexing.

How to rebuilt Outlook indexing on Vista 

1) Click Start > Control panel > Indexing Option  (or you can just type indexing in start search and press enter)

2) Click MS office outlook and click on Modify tab at the bottom.

3) Make sure MS Office Outlook is checked in  change selection location.

4) Click OK, go to previous menu and click on Advance tab > Rebuilt  

If you go back to Indexing Option dialog box now, at the top you will see the indication of the indexing process.

Normally it would take a decent time to complete the process (depends on how big is your outlook data). Well, once its finish, just launch your outlook and the search will work now!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Clipboard Hacking Problem via "CTRL+C" function in Internet Explorer

Category              : Windows
Operating System : Vista, Win7, XP and etc

Internet Browser  : MS Internet Explorer

I believe all of us are familiar with Ctrl+C functions in Windows platform. But recently found that the function is unwise to be used while online especially surfing via MS Internet Explorer.

Whats happened at the background is that, the date that you "CTRL+C" (it could be your banking password or Credit Card pin or online web password)  will be  stored in clipboard and it is accessible from the net by a combination of java-script and ASP. This is called Clipboard Hacking.

Just try this:
1. Copy any text by Ctrl + C
2. Click this Link: via MS Internet Explorer.
3. You will see the text you copied was accessed by this web page. 

It is true, text you last copied for pasting (copy & paste) can be stolen
when you visit web sites using a combination of java-script and ASP (or PHP,
or CGI) to write your possible sensitive data to a database on another

How Clipboard Hack is done?  (for information purpose only)
The Clipboard hack is done by the following Source Code:

<script language="java-script">
var content = clipboardData.getData("Text");

How to safeguard yourself from Clipboard Hack Problem?
To avoid clipboard hack problem, do the following:
1. Go to internet options->security.
2. Press custom level.
3. In the security settings, select disable under Allow paste operations
via script. (Scripting sub heading)

I found it very funny whereby this hacking method does not work on Mozilla Firefox Browser and Google Chrome.

Morale of the story:
1. Do not keep sensitive data (like passwords, credit card numbers, PIN etc.) in the
      clipboard while surfing the web.
2. Never use CTRL+C to paste your security credential while online
3. Start using Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browser J


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fix - Icons missing from system tray (Taskbar)

Category              : Windows
Operating System  : Vista

1. Start a admin cmd (command prompt) window
2. Type regedit in the admin cmd window to launch Registry Editor
3. Go to HKEY_USER\User SID\Software\Classes\Local Settings \Software\ Microsoft \ Windows\CurrentVersion \TrayNotify

4. Delete keys IconStreams and PastIconsStream
5. Press F5, and close the regedit.
6. Start Task Manager, go to processes and kill explorer.exe
7. Go to applications in the Task Manager, hit new task and type explorer.exe and click OK
8. Explorer will now reboot your icons should return to normal now.


Monday, January 31, 2011

How to open Admin command prompt in VISTA

Category              : Outlook 2007
Operating System : Vista & Win7

Click Start ,  type cmd on start search

Right click on the cmd.exe icon which shows under programs and Click on Run As Administrator

-shortcut : type cmd on start search and press & hold Ctrl+Shift and Enter

User Account Control (UAC) interface will be prompt. Insert the admin username and password.

As for some computers (e.g. office computer) will requires Domain name. This domain name will be automatically detected by system and the name of the domain will be displayed as a note below password input bar. For any sort of reason (basically OU issues) , to change the domain just type the username in the format of Domain\Username

Well If you have used admin/full access account to login, UAC will just prompt as indication bar and you will only need to click OK (username and password entry not required)

Check the title bar to confirm  whether its an admin command prompt or not. If its not admin bar or UAC prompt to enter username and password again, it means your account / access does not have admin privillage. You need to check with your Access Management. Well if its a home PC and you are a teenager, to your dad!! 


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Outlook Cached Exchange Mode is grayed out

Category              : Outlook 2007
Operating System : Vista
Symptoms            : Outlook status showing Online with Microsoft Exchange
Error Message      :  nil

(for advance users who are searching fix for Outlook Cached Exchange Mode grayed out issue, please scroll/skip down  to FIX - Outlook Cached Exchange Mode is grayed out)

Well some of you guys might have encountered this issue, whereby when you are connected to office network, your outlook works find, but when you open outlook at home, outlook gives variable error messages and inbox become empty.

It happens because (on layman words) : the outlook have failed to find/create OST file , OST file is a copy of all the messages (inbox) into you hardisk, as for the fact the outlook inbox is directly connected to the exchange server and not located in local machine.

Therefore, your outlook (inbox) is directly connected to exchange server without any copy in hardisk, this is why outlook will only work at office network (direct exchange connection) and not at your home (offline).

So how to check? outlook status will be indicated as "Online with Microsoft Exchange"


To fix this problem, click on Tools > Account Settings..

Double-Click on your email address

Tick on Use Cached Exchange Mode check box

Click Next > Finish. Relaunch outlook and outlook will start updating / creating ost file. The outlook status now will become Connected to Microsoft Exchange.

Well sometimes the Use Cached Exchange Mode check box will be grayed-out. This might cause by several factors like group policy. Below will be the registry key which need be modified to enable the option.

FIX - Outlook Cached Exchange Mode is grayed out

1. Start a admin cmd (command prompt) window
2. Type regedit in the admin cmd window to launch Registry Editor
3. Go to HKEY_USER\User SID\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\OST
4. Right click on the NoOST entry on the right and click Modify
5. Give it a value of 0
6. Restart Outlook 2007 and the Use Cached Exchange Mode option should no longer be grayed out anymore.


Monday, January 03, 2011

Battery Health Check For HP Laptop

Category              : Laptop (HP)
Operating System : w2k or Vista

For Laptop models running on Windows 2000

1. Download the softpaq sp32299.exe from HP Battery Check
2. Install softpaq(sp32299). It takes about 5 -10 minutes to install.
3. Go to Start> Program> Hewlett-Packard > HP Battery Check

For Laptop models running on Vista 

1. Download the softpaq sp37021.exe from HP Battery Check (Vista) 
2. Install the softpaq (sp37021.exe).  It takes about 5 -10 minutes to install.
3. Open a normal user command prompt, go to C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Battery Check  (My Computer > Program Files > Hewlett-Packard > HP Battery Check) and run HPBC.exe 

Please check whether the battery is slotted properly. The machine should be on AC power (power ad) while running the application.  Cheers!!


Hiragana Stroke order and direction

The following table shows the method for writing each hiragana character. It is arranged in the traditional way, beginning top right and reading columns down. The numbers and arrows indicate the stroke order and direction respectively.